Training & Consultation
“Change culture and you change lives. You can also change the course of history.”
Resmaa Menakem

It's time out for training for training's sake. Sustainable change and culture shifts are attained through intentional investment and permeates from head to root.
At the root and heart of all my work is helping people understand the nature of trauma and creating spaces for healing and deepening resource and resilience. True trauma healing cannot take place without intentionally addressing the systems that perpetuate trauma through various forms of oppression. In order to effectively address the needs of Black Bodies, Bodies of Culture, and other marginalized/historically excluded groups, one must understand that systemic oppression is comprised of Ideologies that are carried out through Institutions. These ideologies impact how people interact Interpersonally and influences Internalized narratives (4 I’s of Oppression). Shifting organizational culture to one of anti-racism and anti-oppression involves a combination of Safe Space generation, Brave Space cultivation, Somatic Abolitionism, education and ongoing follow-up. This work requires more than intellectual conversations and strategic planning and insists that we develop capacity to metabolize the trauma and wounds in ALL bodies that result from the persistent damage of colonial oppressive ideologies and systems.
A self-disclosure I would like to make is the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know. I approach my work from a perspective of fellow sojourner and not an "expert." The goal for me is to hold space for folks to do the curious and compassionate introspection that leads to inner, interpersonal, and collective change. This means I place a lot of emphasis on how people are experiencing their worlds in their bodies and nurturing the space for them to sit with the discomforts of oppression and not bypass or ignore them. Only through this deeper work can we harness the power of our collective imagining to create something different than what has been given to us.
Training Components
I would love to offer my presence and gifts to your organization through the following services:
Workshops provide interactive and engaging content delivered virtually or in-person. The concepts, terminology, and context of the workshops lay a foundation for the deeper work to be done.
Small group and one-on-one consultation provides follow-up in a more intimate setting. Consultation allows for real-time feedback and support for those doing the direct work as well as for organizational leadership.
Deeper Dives
While workshops provide an overview of information, Deeper Dives allow participants to deepen their understanding of the concepts through engaging in intentional body work, dialoguing through practical application with peers, and receiving direct support in implementing what they have learned in their daily work and lives.
Growth is not linear, nor does it occur without challenges. The consistent and ongoing relationship between LOL and an organization leads to fidelity and sustained change and culture shifts.
“La Shanda is a dynamic presenter who utilizes personal stories and
experiences to illustrate the impact of trauma informed educators on our students, our families, and our community. I left with a growth mindset, new professional skills, and a true insight to my students and to my own family.”
Crissy Lauterbach, M.Ed, Innovative Teaching and Learning Coordination, Butler Tech
Because we all bring our full history to every interaction, how we function within the work environment is rooted in our lived experiences. Labors of Love provides small group and one-on-one consultation to help individuals, partners, and teams work through barriers in communication, team building, conflict resolution, and address internal systems that are perpetuating the challenges.
Organizational Consultation
Labors of Love offers one-on-one consultation to therapists and other clinicians looking for support in working with clients through a trauma-responsive lens.
This consultation is for clinicians looking to deepen their understanding of the impact of relational trauma, systemic oppression, and Adverse Childhood Experiences on their clients' development and current functioning.
*Consultation is not a substitute for clinical supervision and will not count towards licensure hours.